Devotion to the Precious Blood Second Novena to Holy Trinity

Three Novena in Honor of the most Holy Trinity 

Day 1 – 13 July, 1997, 9:00pm
Today Barnabas saw a vision of Our Lady coming down from the clouds. She was adorned with a white veil and held a Crucifix in her left hand and flowers in her right. Her Rosary was hanging from her side. As she descended, she was singing. When she arrived, she said; “My children, today I came to co-operate with you and show you all the loving kindness of my Motherly grace. Be happy and rejoice with Heaven in this Adoration. I am the Mother of Jesus Christ. I come to you, so that you will love my Son and console Him in His Agony. The mystical wound in the Sacred Heart of my
Son causes Him much pain because of the sins of the world.
The sins of the world are many.
Men do not want to heed the warnings of Heaven.
Their sins increase daily. Pray always, pray for sinners, pray that many will change their lives. My children, I have told you this before, now I am repeating it to you and the world. Pray,
“O Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
I say many wounds shall be healed, because the sins of the world increase say, “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.”
I assure you many will be saved and sinners will come to repent. Children, I’m giving you my last warning about the coming chastisements.
Know today that Heaven has signed this great purification. They say, Father, only purification will bring the new world. Children, don’t pray that the Chastisement will not come.
I say don’t pray that the Holy Mass will not be banned for some time. If it is not, there will not come the great darkness. Know today that the underground computer is out in this physical world. Soon you will hear about it.
This computer has power to computerize the whole world. The hour of the demon is fast approaching. The great day of darkness is coming.
The great day of persecution is coming. The Scripture has said it. Read Daniel Chapter 8.
Before the terrible day the Holy Sacrifice will be banned. Pray, pray and teach others how to pray. Pray that many souls will be saved. Show holy love to one another.
Accept all daily suffering. Be strong in your faith to welcome the coming persecution. My children are you ready to offer your love to me?
I say, are you ready to suffer martyrdom? Many will lose their faith and worship the evil man. I am the brightest star in the clouds.
My Immaculate Heart will shine on my children.
I will protect all who consecrate themselves to me, all who live holy lives.
Tell the world that the Precious Blood will save anyone who calls upon it.
Through the Precious Blood many souls will be saved. Honor and Adore the Precious Blood of my Son and Lord Jesus Christ.
My children, have a Crucifix on your door post. Pray with your Crucifix always. Live with it. Through this sign you will conquer. I am near to help you. Remain in peace from heaven. I bless you all.”
Day 1 Meditation:
On this first day of the second novena, our Blessed Mother Mary comes to the scene.
The presence of every mother in any situation of distress, signifies hope and comfort. Our Blessed Mother comes to explain the reasons for the chastisement; that it is the only way to purify the world from sin.
She admonishes Barnabas and the prayer group not to pray against the chastisement and the banning of the Holy Mass.
All these things have to do with the vision of the Prophet Daniel.
She admonishes all her children to prepare for the great persecution with courage and perseverance to the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus, the only instrument of safety.
A Mother’s instruction is always to be heeded. We must take recourse to her Immaculate Heart, a secure place of refuge.
*Today we pray that we may all take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary.
Day 2 – 14 July 1997, 9:00pm
Today, Barnabas saw in a vision the holy Archangel Michael with the hosts of Heaven marching and singing great war chants.
They were all holding swords but the Archangel Michael was holding a Chalice filled with the Precious Blood. As they marched and sang, a cloud came down from Heaven and covered the whole place. Then appeared the Crucifix on which Our Lord was hanging. Blood was constantly flowing out of His wounds. The Archangel Michael, who was still holding the Chalice, appeared with two little Cherubim. They bowed down and worshipped the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross. Then the Archangel Michael said:
“Son of man receive the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.”
Barnabas received it. Then he saw a great multitude of people coming from distant lands to the mountain to receive the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. After some time, Michael the Archangel appeared again holding a sword and said, “Children of God, hear the voice of Heaven and run for your lives. I am Michael the Archangel, Chief and Commander of the Heavenly Hosts. I come to teach and admonish you. May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ cover you all. Children of God, the spiritual battle is on. The enemy is not asleep. He has fought and won many souls. The enemy has sent all his armies into the battlefield because he knows that his time is short. Children of God, this is the great hour of dryness; the hour of evil, children of God. The demon rules this hour, who will survive it? The wicked spirit has caused war in the Holy Church, in families, in schools and
in companies. Cardinals fight against Cardinals, Bishops against Bishops, war in spirit increases. They have caused spiritual lukewarmness in many souls. They have manipulated many hearts that they can no longer pray to their Living God. They have poured the spirit of lies and pride on the people of God. This spirit yields lust in many hearts. Children of God, the demon Satan and his agents cannot rest until they win all men. This lust gives birth to fornication and adultery. Look, there are many innocent unborn babies in the cloud. Their number increases every minute of the hour. The enemy has taken advantage of many souls. Many souls are possessed. They worship the wicked spirit and attack the children of God. Children of God, the war is on! Atmospheric spirits are fighting you. Hydrospheric spirits are fighting you. Biospheric spirits are fighting against you. Their physical agents are fighting against you. Who will win the battle? Many souls will die in sorrow. Many people’s faith will grow weak. Listen, the enemy has captured the universe. They are on top of the government. They are sitting on the thrones of governments. They are entering, look, they are sitting, they are sitting on the thrones of governments. Who will survive this terrible hour of the demon? Children of God wait for the coming persecution with faith. But children of God, be happy that the Blood of Jesus Christ has conquered the demon. Through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, we will win the enemy again. Call upon the Precious Blood, all who are spiritually asleep, and the Blood of the Spotless Lamb will wake you up. Adore the Most Precious Blood, all who are manipulated by the enemy, you will be saved. Children of God, let all men console and adore the Most Precious Blood through this prayer, let all families consecrate themselves to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Our Lord will save through this, our enemy will be conquered again and defeated forever. This adoration is great. Anyone who constantly consoles and adores Our Lord through this prayer will not be lost. His lineage will be converted. The heavenly Hosts fight for him. And he will join the heavenly army after death. Pray much now, time is coming soon when all souls will be in confusion and will find it hard to pray. At that time the Divine ears will be far. Children, hold firm your faith. Be wise, the enemy will tempt you and many will fall. The last Novena will be hard, only a few will complete it. The Father will not allow anyone to fail His order. Happiness and peace will follow anyone who fulfills and makes the devotion of this great month well. The Father will bless him. Love and obey the Church.
I fight for you all.”
Day 2 Meditation:
St. Michael the Archangel is the leader of the Heavenly warriors and the Protector of the Universal Church. Hence he speaks about the crisis in the Church: Cardinals and Bishops at war against each other. Many fervent members of the faithful are worried about the ambiguities and falsehoods making their way to the pulpits in the Church. The Archangel notes that this is part of the plan of the evil one. He represents the Heavenly Hosts who are assuring us of their defense during the tribulations, if we remain faithfully devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus. The battle ahead is the final battle we are assured the victory through perseverance in prayer.
*Today we pray for the assistance of the Holy Angels in our spiritual battles.
Day 3 – 15 July 1997, 9:00pm
In a vision, Our Lady appeared to Barnabas with a palm branch in her hand and she said: “May the peace from Heaven be with you all. Your adoration pleases Heaven. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Today is the last day of the three day novena. Heaven is happy, your prayers confused many kingdoms of the evil spirit. Your effort pleases the Holy Trinity. My Children you are about to enter the great pilgrimage hour. Pray that you will fulfill the last novena. Pray much for other people who will join you and fulfill this great hour of prayer. The enemy will fight you all. Many will come later and my Son will send them back. Some will sleep and wake not to join the adoration anymore. The faith of many will grow weak because they did not know and their eyes were not opened. Families will attack their children greatly. Many people will fight this devotion. My children, pray much, pray much that nothing will hinder you. Some will be sick and will not have the strength to join. Even death will hinder some. Happiness and Joy will follow him who devotedly makes the devotion well. The coming Chastisement will not overcome him. Remember my children that after this great month, no power will ever stop this devotion. The Church will approve it when I raise up my saving hand. Pray much, offer your daily sacrifices for the remaining novena. Prepare to make it great. Children the last day of this month will be great, so great, so great that all
who fulfill the devotion will rejoice! His family will repent and love their Creator and their God. I will protect them and my Son will save them through the power of His Blood. My children, the Eternal Father needs the voice of many people in the consolation and adoration prayers. Let all who will attend the last Novena have those prayers said in groups and sing in one spirit. Have your Crucifix, show love to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Meditate on his sufferings whenever you pray, you will gain numerous indulgences. Obey all the warnings from Heaven and be ready to welcome the coming Chastisement. My children, pray much for your town, pray, pray much, many are waiting for salvation. They look for my saving power. But when they see it they do not recognize it, they hear of it, yet they join the agents of evil to mock it. Pray that their eyes be opened, that they will see and their ears be opened, that they will hear. I say, pray and break the hardened heart. Many people will hear of this devotion and save their lives. Children, when shall your people know about it? Listen my children, the aim of Heaven here is to teach the world how to pray. Let all men adore the price of their salvation. The Blood which saved the world from sin. All generations will adore you, O Precious Blood of redemption. This devotion combines all the devotions of my Son and my Lord’s passion. Heaven adores forever the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ through these prayers. Prepare for the coming novena soon, it will have a great teaching for the world.
My children, learn to show love to one another. Teach people the Way of Truth. Take your families, your relatives and friends along with you and *run for your lives. Great trials will come. Many souls will be lost. Build your faith on the Rock, Jesus Christ, my Son. Make the faith of people strong through your teaching. Children, the wicked man is in Rome now. Pray for my Pope, pray that his faith will be strong. Soon you will hear the news. Don’t fear, don’t run about, only pray and make this adoration. You will see many agents of the demon and hear about their actions. They will attack my Priests and destroy many tabernacles. Fear not, be strong in your faith. Children the faith of many people will grow weak. They will worship the Beast. I say to you pray much now and become consecrated to the
Precious Blood of my Son, you will be saved. All things laid outside the Precious Blood of my Son will suffer greatly. Love me.
I am with you all.
Remain in the peace from Heaven”
Day 3 Meditation:
On this last day of the three day novena, the Blessed Mother is back. With her comforting words, She speaks again about the activities of he evil one and his agents who will fight against this Heavenly devotion, however, they will not succeed. Rather the devotion will be recognized by the Church in due time, at the prompt of the Queen of Heaven. She then explains that this very Devotion is an amalgamation of all the devotions to the Passion of Our Lord. This is why it is so powerful, hence the demons and their agents dread and attack it. Through perseverance in prayer and consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus we shall be saved.
*Today, let us pray for the spread of the Precious Blood devotion all over the world.


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