Novena to Holy Trinity Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Three day Novena in Honor of the most holy trinity July 13-15 Day 1 – 13 July, 1997, 9:00pm Today Barnabas saw a vision of Our Lady coming down from the clouds. She was adorned with a white veil and held a Crucifix in her left hand and flowers in her right. Her Rosary was hanging from her side. As she descended, she was singing. When she arrived, she said; “My children, today I came to co-operate with you and show you all the loving kindness of my Motherly grace. Be happy and rejoice with Heaven in this Adoration. I am the Mother of Jesus Christ. I come to you, so that you will love my Son and console Him in His Agony. The mystical wound in the Sacred Heart of my Son causes Him much pain because of the sins of the world. The sins of the world are many. Men do not want to heed the warnings of Heaven. Their sins increase daily. Pray always, pray for sinners, pray that many will change their lives. My children, I have told you this before, now I am repeating it to you and the world. ...