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Jericho Prayers From Heaven



Pleading the Blood of Jesus – Prayed using A Rosary

• Joshua led the people of Israel at the command of the Lord to go around the walls of Jericho for seven days and on the seventh days, with the priests taking up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, the walls of Jericho came crumbling down on the 7th day (Josh 6: 1-20).

We too have walls around up built by our sins of the world or inner wounds that need healing.

Lord, we come to you in faith , our intentions in the Chalice of the Precious Blood Christ at the foot of the cross.

In prayer we march around the walls which separates us from You and from receiving your graces.

Let these walls crumbling down as the Precious Blood Of Christ flows transforming us the image God has for us.

We Pray for: (State Your Intension)
Meditate as putting them in the Chalice, immersed in the Precious Blood Of Our Lord.

Now it is Christ who will take case of these problems. When you say “ Precious Blood Of Jesus Protect And Save Us

“ can replaced by name of the person or group e.g. Your family the world, the parish, the city etc.
And the city was thrown open to the people of Israel (Jos 6 1-20).

We too will be victorious, successful and prosperous as said in (Jos 1:7-9) as we mediate upon the word of God and the promises of the word of God in this Precious Blood of Jesus prayer.




1st Rosary
Offertory Prayers : Our heavenly father I offer to you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of Blood of His mother at the foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intensions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer you Jesus lowly birth, circumcision, fear caused by the presentiments of passion, agony in the garden where his blood came out as sweat, His arrest and crowning with thorns,

(For God so loved the world that he have his only son, so that everyone who believes in Him may nit perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16)

Also Mary’s 1st Sorrow as a young mother when Simeon prophesied about her child’s destiny that a sword of sorrow will pierce her own soul.

Abba Father, seal and anoint us as we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref. Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.

On the large beads Say “ Our father “

Intentions & Biblical verse for each decade
Intentions : Lord we offer…

1] Ourselves as we are

2] Our thoughts

3] Our Word

4] Our deeds

5]Our future

Biblical Verse: When I see the BLOOD I will pass over you no plague shall destroy you…

Ex 12:13
On the small ten beads say the

“ Precious Blood of Jesus Protect and Save us “

end with “ Glory be “

Offertory Prayer : Our Heavenly Father,

we offer you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of His mother at the Foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intentions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer you scourging of Jesus at the Pillar (Surely He was …crushed for our iniquities… by His bruises we are healed Isa 53:4-5)

Also Mary’s 2nd sorrow as she fled to Egypt to save her son from the treat of death , now there is no running away from these moments of passion.
Abba Father, Seal and anoint us as we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref. Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.
On the large beads Say

“ Our father “ Intentions & Biblical verse for each decade
Intentions : Lord we offer…

1] the root cause of our sickness

2] our soul experience God

3] Our inner
wounds to rejoice in you

4] Our body

5] and release our ancestors.

Biblical Verse: In Him we have redemption, through His BLOOD the forgiveness of our trespasses…

Eph 1:7

On the small ten beads say the

“ Precious Blood of Jesus Protect and Save us “

end with “ Glory be “

Offertory Prayer : Our Heavenly Father, we offer you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of His mother at the Foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intentions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer you Jesus as the cross was placed on His wounded shoulder which caused extreme pain; His falls sprinkling Precious BLOOD on the way to Calvary .

(He …gave himself for us that He might redeem us from all from iniquity and purify for himself a people of His own…Titus 2:14)

Also Mary’s 3rd sorrow – the loss of child at Jerusalem. She who knew he had to do His Father’s work as mother prepared Him for the sacrifice.

Abba Father, seal and anoint us as we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref. Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.
On the large beads Say

“ Our father “ Intentions & Biblical verse for each decade

Intentions : Lord we offer…

1] body, soul, mind and spirit for we are temple of God

2] from addictions, bondages and cursed

3] from pride and anger, hatred

4] from sloth, gluttony lust 5] from greed, envy & venial sins.

Biblical Verse: BLOOD of … who offered himself without blemish… Purifyies our conscience… to worship the living God. Heb 9:14

On the ten small beads say the Precious Blood Prayer:

” Precious Blood Of Jesus Purify Us”

end with “ Glory be”


Offertory Prayer :

Our Heavenly Father, we offer you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of His mother at the Foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intentions and all our sufferings in the Chalice.

We offer you Jesus being stripped of His garment in front of a mocking crowd, His pain at the terrible suffering the nailing of His hands and feet.

(By a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. Heb 10: 12,14)

Also Mary’s sorrow –She who led Him gently to the first step of His hour at the miracle at Cana, now meets Him on the way to Calvary as He submits to His Heavenly FATHER’S WILL.

Abba Father, seal and anoint us we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref.Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.

On the large beads Say

“ Our father “ Intentions & Biblical verse for each decade.
Intentions : Lord …

1] direct our sense to you

2] Help us to ponder on Your suffering for our sake

3] nourish our love for you

4]nourish our love for our family

5] strengthen our inner self.

Biblical Verse: … Jesus also suffered …to sanctify the people by His own BLOOD. Heb 13:12

On the ten small beads say the Precious Blood Prayer:


end with “Glory be”


Offertory Prayers :

Our heavenly father I offer to you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of Blood of His mother at the foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intensions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer you Jesus lifted up on the Cross, in His excruciating pain struggling to breathe, He gives His last sermon the 7 Words of the dying Saviour – Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing;…

Today you will be with me in Paradise ;…Women, here is your son, here is your mother;… My God, why have you forsaken me?…I am thirsty;

… It is finished;… Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Also Mary’s 5th sorrow at the foot of the Cross seeing her son in total rejection and dying on the cross.

Abba Father, seal and anoint us we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref.Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.

On the large beads say

“ Our Father “ Intentions & Biblical Verse for each decade.

Intentions : Lord…

1] forgive us & help us to forgive others

2]Commit us & ancestors to paradise

3] commit our soul to Heavenly Father

4]commit us to Mother Mary

5]commit us as the fragrance of Christ to all whom we meet.

Biblical Verse: …God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things , whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the


end with “ Glory be “

Offertory Prayers :

Our heavenly father I offer to you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of Blood of His mother at the foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intensions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer you His side pierced, Blood and Water flowing out, lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself (…I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself. In 12:32)

Also Mary her “YES” to God at Annunciation was extended to the peak of this 6th sorrow as she receives the body of her son- every drop of His Blood has been shed for us…

Abba Father, seal and anoint us we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref.Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.
On the large beads say

“ Our Father “ Intentions & Biblical Verse for each decade.

Intentions :

1] Lord renew our baptismal vows to accept Jesus and reject Satan every moment

2]Mother,receive us too into your arms

3] Lord let Your Blood cover us

4] Lord frees us from all fears

5]Lord we surrender ourselves totally like a child in its mother’s arms.

Biblical Verse : … the accuser … has been thrown down… conquered… by the BLOOD of the Lamb…

Rev 12:10-11
On the large beads say

“ Our Father “ Intentions & Biblical Verse for each decade.


end with “ Glory be “


Offertory Prayer :

Our Heavenly Father, we offer you the victorious Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the tears of His mother at the Foot of the cross along with ourselves, our intentions and all our sufferings, in the Chalice.

We offer You the glorious resurrection, conquering over death (may …God … who brought back from
the dead our Lord Jesus… by the BLOOD of the eternal covenant, make you complete in everything good…

Heb 13: 20-21)

Also Mary in her 7th sorrow –burial of her son’s lifeless body. It was only her faith in God that kept her, hoping for her resurrection and life after death.

As a mother she gathered the frightened disciples in prayer till empowering descent of the Holy Spirit.

This way she participated in all essential moments of the paschal mystery. Embracing the risen Christ, Mary is sign and anticipation of humanity, which hopes to reach its fulfillment in the resurrection of the dead.

Abba Father, seal and anoint us we… make His life an offering for our sins…(ref.Isa 53:10)

Come O Holy Spirit upon us; through Him let the FATHER’S WILL be perfectly accomplished in our lives with miracles, sign and wonders.

On the large beads say

“ Our Father “ Intentions & Biblical Verse for each decade.

Intentions : Lord…

1] help us die to sin and live the abundant life of Christ

2]open before us door which no one can close

3] close everything that concerns us with the power of your word

4]refresh us with “YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD “for gave us the Chalice


5]accept us and answer our prayers

(when he prayer ended… fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offerings… the glory of the Lord filled the temple 2 Chr 7:1)

Biblical Verse : On His robe and on His thigh He has a name inscribed,


end with “ Glory be “

End The Jericho March Prayer saying the prayer

“ Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy “


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